Fire, Life & Safety
(MOAB) 4-Hour Management of Aggressive Behavior for Public Safety Certificate Course
The F-01 Fireguard Prep course is a preparation class toward obtaining your Fireguard Certification. The class will cover study and test material, practical exams and information regarding the NYC Fire Department Application process.
The F-01 Fireguard Certificate of Fitness license is required by individuals, employed by building owners, who are responsible for watches in buildings with temporary malfunctioning fire detection and fire suppression systems. Certification is issued by the FDNY after passing an exam (70% or higher), consisting of 20 multiple choice questions.
Our 4-hour test prep course prepares you by going over parts of the NYC Fire Code that are covered on the test. These sections (401.3, 408, 901,906) of the Code define specific duties of fire guards performing duties when mandated fire protection systems are out of service.
Students trained